Untitled - This was the first of a series of quick drawings I did to see where I am artistically at the moment. I guess my artwork content changes as I change as a person, so sometimes I need to do some quick ones to shakes the dust off and test the waters.
Idol - The second of the drawings.
Snow White
D1 - An attempt to draw a person I know from memory, eventually overlapped with details referenced from an actual photo.
D2 - Same person, but almost completely drawn from photo reference. Picture still didn't quite look like her. Wasn't quite right, so I let free some lines on it.
D3 - Same person again, drawn once again from memory(with a few key details noted recently from photo). This one strikes exactly what i tried to do. The lips got a little messed up, but they don't affect the overall image and what I was going for. More to come.